
Logo Design / Corporate ID / Website / SoMe / Animation


Logo Design.

Permido is a software plug-in, protecting your emails with encryption. My thoughts on the logo design – was to make it look classic but with a modern twist. The lowercase “p” was a way to achieve a more soft look. In the last “o” of the Permido name I created the shape of keyhole, and drew some letters with an angular cut to give it a more memorable look. As Permido is a plug-in for Microsoft Outlook, I made sure it could co-exist in the same universe.

Permido Fonts_BRIGHT@2x.png

Digital Typefaces
and Colors

The Font Akkurat Pro has a very modern and linear look, that goes well with the brand message of Permido. The main colour is a rich purple just on the brink to the cross into the blue spectrum. The brightest color here is a cold white, which almost has a magic quality to it – as it appears to be white on many occasions, but can still be seen as a filled box on a white surface. These little details helps the visual style to stand out.


Website Design.

No nonsense was the key phrase in the initial meetings with the client. Easy to use, clean and simple. No hidden fees, no add-ons. But straight to the point. So I created the clean spacious with no detours on the site. As you scroll down the site, you get told the same simple story again and again.


The Story.
Encryption. Easy.

Using symbols/colours and simple graphic stories to convince people to sign up for a trial of Permido. Selling points like 24/7 support, easy installation, customisation and no-nonsense payment plan was the main objective.


Animation Visuals.

Visual style input for explainer animations done in After Effects.
Animations are no longer online due to copyright expiration




Blog Layout.

This design was created when a new blog was added to the original website. Clean lines and space was key.

Blog Level 2@2x_FADED.png
Blog Level 1@2x_FADED.png

Social Media.

Simple posts for LinkedIn and other SoMe channels.


Need Art Direction? Design? Ideas? Ask Me.
